Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Void of Course Moon

The Moon makes a complete circle through the twelve signs every 28.5 days and spends approximately 2.5 days in each sign.

As the Moon moves through the heavens it makes aspects to the other heavenly bodies.

So as I am writing this Jun 06 2011 2:54 PM Pacific  time , the Moon is forming a Square to Mars. If we were doing an invocation or working we would name the aspects this way: Transiting Moon 17 degrees 31 minutes Leo ~ Square Transiting Mars at 19 degrees 44 minutes Taurus.

The reason that we are calling Both transiting is because they are in relation to one another in the heavens rather than to an aspect in our personal birth charts. If the aspect made by the transiting position of the Moon was being made to a position in your natal birth chart, you would say transiting Moon _ degrees _ minutes in Scorpio trine My natal Venus at _ degrees _ minutes (name of sign).

The Void-of-Course Moon cycle begins when the moon in transit has completed its final major aspect with the major planets before it changes from one sign of the zodiac to the next. It ends when the moon enters the next sign.

Our concern with workings in the Void of Course Moon is that we find the moon in a position that is neither here nor there. Since we approach our workings in a scientic manner, it is wise to be able to properly direct the outcome of our desires.

The Void of Course Moon is an appropriate time for rest, contemplation, meditation, enjoyment of the arts and nature. As with the Moon, she has her time for rest and she renews herself before being, once again, the focus of the energies she helps carry for us. We follow her example and do the same.